Community Arts Program of New Braunfels Welcomes You
Make a Difference Today
The Community Arts Program - CAP - offers at-risk youth in New Braunfels with high quality after-school programs in violin, keyboard, cello and guitar music instruction, along with a free snack and afterschool tutoring session within a nurturing environment. Our mission is to empower elementary age at-risk students to successfully develop their musical potential, to be persistent in the pursuit of their education and to strengthen their communities.
Reinforcing our Commitment
Our mission is to empower elementary age at-risk students to successfully develop their musical potential, to be persistent in the pursuit of their education and to strengthen their communities.
Where we started
In January of 2014 this program was started as an outreach ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church with 8 students. It has evolved into an independent non-profit program for at-risk students serving 21 children.
Scientific studies have proven that the discipline of music lessons help and spark academic performance and social skills. Extra encouragement and praise help every child in the program.
"Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue."
Contact Community Arts Program of New Braunfels
P.O. Box 310792
New Braunfels, Tx 78131
210 286 3221
Sponsor a Student for $125.00
or Donate what you can.
We are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit Corporation.